Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Fun of Turning 50!!!!!

I have had a wonderful day today, thanks to all of my family and friends. First of all, this morning when I went to get into my car I turned on the garage light and got the surprise of my life!!!! NO, not a new corvette. As you will see in the pics my car had been redecorated, thanks to Trista, Barbie & Katie. Mike had put the garage door opener in the mailbox and after I had gone to bed they decorated my car for my birthday. Aren't they sweet!!!

As you can tell they were very creative. Then when I pulled out of my driveway at 6:00 this morning my front yard and the front of my house were just as beautifully decorated with signs and balloons. Now everyone in the neighborhood knows that Becky is 50 years old. Thanks guys!!! I went home at lunch to put the balloons in the house to save them for my GRAND-babies but apparently some kids walking to school this morning decided to remove them from my yard.

I just want to remind them that pay backs can sometimes be painful expecially BARBIE who will be 50 next year. I have saved all of the lovely decorations and she might just see her reminders along Hwy 97 on her way to work ;). No seriously, I want to thank everyone for making this day a very special one for me. My wonderful friends that I work with at school made cookies and brought cards and gifts. I am so blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. THANK YOU ALL!!!


Robyn Crockett said...

How awesome and fun! :) Happy Birthday! You may be 50, but at least you don't look it! Love you!

Unknown said...

Have you gotten your AARP application yet? Glad your birthday was special. Happy belated from me!