Thursday, January 1, 2009

Learning to "Let Go and Let God"

I just finished an awesome book, "The Shack." I have used the phrase alot, "Let Go and Let God," and this book taught me alot about myself and hopefully some of the things I am going to share with you will help you also. It taught me how to truly what you might call, "practice what you preach." I am always telling my kids to, "Let go and let God." Some times there is pain in your life that you thought you had truly forgiven people of but the pain is still there.

If all you see is your own pain you lose sight of God. We are all created to be loved. Trust in Him and know that His power can work through you. All love and relationship is possible for us only because it already exists in God. If your heart is full of pain, anger and confusion you need to rest in the trust you have in God even if your trust is small. God's love is simple, warm, and genuine.

Forgiveness is first for the forgiver; to release us from something that will eat us alive; destroy our joy and our ability to love fully and openly.

If Jesus is the center of our life then together we can live through everything that happens to us. He wants to be the center of our life because that is where our friends, family, and etc. exists.

I learned that I can't build a wall to protect my children and loved ones or to keep them from feeling pain. My wall can keep me from growing closer to God and possibly keep them from growing closer to God also.

We are the pinnacle of God's creation and the center of His affection. Even if you do not always understand what God is doing you must always trust Him. God is an awesome God and all the processes of your life is covered by His goodness.

God bless you all and have a safe healthy, prosperous and blessed 2009.

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